The Crystal Palace
by Sir Joseph Paxton
Lost in Time: The Crystal Palace
The Crystal Palace and iron in architecture
The story of the Great Exhibition – Part 1
The story of the Great Exhibition – Part 2
The Crystal Palace (1851-1936), rare footage 1935
Michal Forsyth: "Buildings for Music: The Architect, the Musician, and the Listener from the 17th Century to the Present Day", The MIT Press, 1985.
Nikolaus Pvsner: "A History of Building Types", Princeton University Press, 1979.
Nigel Hawkes: "Structures", Marshall Edition Developements Limited, 1990.
Photographs by Philip Henry Delamotte: "Progress of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, 1854", source: THE MET - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: l i n k and some extracted photos:
Sir Joseph Paxton in a portrait by Joseph John Jenkings after a photograph by William Edward Kilburn 1851 or after - National Portrait Gallery © NPG D5476.
Giovanni Brino: "Crystal Palace. Cronaca di un'avventura progettuale", 271 pgg., Sagep Editrice, Genova, 1995.
Michal Forsyth: "Edifici per la musica. L'architetto, il musicista, il pubblico dal Seicento ad oggi", Cap. 4: "Musica in grande", 352 pgg., Nicola Zanichelli, Bologna, 1987. ...All'interno del Crystal Palace si tenevano anche numerosi concerti di musica.
Nikolaus Pevsner: "Storia e caratteri degli edifici", Cap. XV: "Mercati coperti, serre ed edifici per le esposizioni", 393 pgg., Fratelli Palombi, Roma, 1986.
Nigel Hawkes: "Atlante delle meraviglie costruite dall'uomo", "Il Crystal Palace: una serra gigantesca", Istituto Geografico de Agostini, Novara, 1991.
Robin Middleton e David Watkin: "Architettura dell'Ottocento", Mondadori Electa, 1989.