Gardens 10
Necropoli di Cerveteri
near Cerveteri, Italy; from the 9th century B.C. at the 8th century B.C. More info on Wikipedia: Cerveteri, Necropoli della Banditaccia.
At Necropoli della Banditaccia near Cerveteri, photographs by Michele Leonardi.
Sanctuary of
The Cumaean Sibyl
in Cuma, near Naples, Italy; 8th century B.C. More info on Wikipedia: Scavi archeologici di Cuma, Antro della Sibilla Cumana.
"Antro della Sibilla Cumana, profetessa del dio Apollo". Language: Italian.
Ostia Antica
Archaelogical Park in Rome, Italy; 6th century B.C. More info on Wikipedia: Scavi archeologici di Ostia Antica.
"Roma di giorno, Ostia Antica", photographs by Michele Leonardi.
Parco dell'Appia Antica
in Rome, Italy; 3th century B.C .(312-264 BC, the "Appian Way") and later. More info on Parco archeologico dell'Appia Antica , Via Appia, Parco degli Acquedotti, Villa dei Quintili, Tombe della Via Latina, Catacombe di San Callisto, Catacombe di san Sebastiano, Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella, Circo di Massenzio, etc.
Giavanni Battista Piranesi: "The Paving of the Via Appia Antica, Rome", from "Roman antiquities", 1785. Source: THE MET - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S.A. Website: .
Grotte di Catullo
in Sirmione, Lago di Garda, Italy; 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. More info on Wikipedia: Grotte di Catullo.
Villa Jovis
in Capri, Gulf of Neaples, Italy; first century A.C. More info on Wikipedia: Villa Jovis.
Villa Adriana
in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy; 2th century AC; architects: Roman imperor Hadrian and others. More info on Wikipedia: Scavi archeologici di Villa Adriana a Tivoli.
At Villa Adriana, near Tivoli. Photograph by Michele Leonardi.
Giavanni Battista Piranesi: "Hadrian's Villa: The Canopus", from "Views of Rome", ca. 1769. Source: THE MET - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S.A. Website: .
Giavanni Battista Piranesi: "View of the Remains of the Praetorian Fort" (the Poecile), Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli; from "Views of Rome", 1770. Source: THE MET - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S.A. Website: .
Teatro di Taormina
in Taormina, Sicily, Italy; 2th century A.C.;
More info on Wikipedia: Ancient theatre of Taormina.
Tikal and the Maya
Biosphere Reserve
in Guatemala; c. first century B.C. More info on Wikipedia:
Tikal, Maya Biosphere Reserve, Palenque, Calakmul, etc.
Relief with Enthroned Ruler, Chakalte' Guatemalan or Mexican, late 8th century. Source: THE MET - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S.A. Website: .
Documentary: "La plus grande cité maya découverte". Language: French.
"Heaven on Earth: The Story of God", National Geographic.
Image taken from the book: "L'art des jardins: parcs, jardins, promenades" of Alfred-Auguste Ernouf, year 1886. Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, website: .
Garden of Ninfa
near Latina, Italy; 10th century; 1921: the garden).
More info on Wikipedia: Giardini di Ninfa.
"Il fiume Ninfa nei pressi del ponte di legno", photograph by Mentnafunangann. Source: Wikipedia.
"All'Oasi di Ninfa", photographs by Michele Leonardi.
"Secrets of Ancient Hanging Gardens of Babylon", H-History.
Language: English.