Designs for
Systemic Habitats
by Michele Leonardi architect © all right reserved
pages are displayed some different territorial poles (centres), located in various latitudes, designed to provide a range of services to communities of the vast surrounding areas, and primarily linked via railways. While the architectures of territorial poles are made in steel and reinforced concrete or pre-compressed concrete, also with presence of specific prefabricated modules, instead the architectures in the regional area are built with traditional local materials. According to the geographical position, buildings could be made of clay or rather in adobe brick, in pisé, or in local stone, or in wood obtained from cultivated forests, etc. All materials are recyclable, low cost, depending on local conditions. Lastly below is also shown a modular system for low density housing, what I called "Solarys Livingbox", and which is alternative to the ordinary “definitive” houses, with all their disastrous consequences, like the death of soils covered by concrete and asphalt. More detailed descriptions on the following pages.
all rights reserved © Michele Leonardi architect
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