Why the Yellowstone Supervolcano could be huge
Mt. Tambora & The Year Without a Summer
The Power of Volcanoes Pt. 1:
Years without Summer
Little Ice Age: Big Chill
Deadly Mount St Helens
Explosive eruption of Sakurajima
on November 12, 2019
Krakatoa volcano explodes: spectacular huge
eruption two months before 2018 tsunami
Animated Maps:
Ten Thousand Years of Volcanic Eruptions
Global Earthquakes 1900-2000 Animation
- Bill McGuire: "Apocalypse", Oxford University Press, 2006.
A discussion of natural disasters which modern society must expect to face in the not too distant future. Each is capable of causing unprecedented disruption to our current cosy way of life. The work provides the reader with the background scientific information needed to understand the phenomena and their effects. This is supplemented by dramatic descriptions of the devastating impact of the catastrophes on society and on the planet itself. The four main sections cover the four likely causes of global catastrophe: volcanoes; earthquakes; tidal waves; and meteoric collisions. There is also a section on how to access relevant information on the Internet.
- Elizabeth Stommel and Henry Stommel: "The Year without a Summer", Scientific American, June 1979.
In 1816 in New England it snowed in June, and then killing frosts continued through August. The cause was the explosion of a volcano in Indonesia. The economic and social consequences are instructive.
Le Supervolcan de Yellowstone
Le furie della natura:
I Vulcani
Eruzioni vulcaniche: la vera verità
Prof. Antonio Moretti
dell’Universita’ degli Studi Dell’Aquila
Alberto Angela: "Stanotte a Pompei",
Radiotelevisione italiana - RAI 1
INGV, Lucia Pappalardo, vulcanologa
Radiotelevisione italiana - RAI 3