Megamines, Megacanals, The Great Wall of China,
Megadams, Skyscrapers.
Bingham Canyon Mine,
a.k.a. Kennecott CopperMine, Utah, U.S.A.
Bebop2 drone video
China Century Project South
North Water Transfer Project
China's Grand Canal in foreigners' eyes
China's Grand Canal
The Great Wall of China in 4k,
DJI Phantom 4
Cina, l'ascensore più grande del mondo
solleva navi di oltre 3mila tonnellate
(China: the largest lift in the world raises ships of
over 3 thousand tons)
Why is the Chinese railway so developed!
After reading it, I understand it
Drone and Helicopter Video of Dubai.
Never Seen Before.
Hong Kong Island Drone Tour