The Magnus





And the Kutta-Joukowski theorem,

the mathematical formulation of Magnus effect.




The Magnus effect:  Banana shots





Magnus Effect Demonstration




Magnus effect

Spinning Cylinder Wing (Rotor Wing)




Enercon E-Ship 1

Flettner Rotor Cargo Ship - The Magnus Effect


A simply approximation of

"Genegravimetro" by Engineer Marco Todeschini

realised by Doctor Arturo Sommariva




Liquid Spheres in Zero Gravity, NASA, U.S.A.



The Magnus effect and

the Kutta-Joukosky theorem:








The Magnus effect, Wikipedia.


Biography of Heinrich Gustav Magnus ( 1802-1870), Wikipedia.


The Kutta-Joukowsky theoremthe mathematical formulation of Magnus effect, Wikipedia.


Biography of Martin Wilhelm Kutta (1867-1944), Wikipedia.


Biography of Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky (1847-1921), Wikipedia.


The Rotor shipa technical application of Magnus effect by Anton Flettner (1885-1961), Wikipedia.


The Flettner rotora technical application of Magnus effect by Anton Flettner (1885-1961), Wikipedia.


Biography of Anton Flettner (1885-1961), Wikipedia.


L. Quartapelle e F. Autieri: "Fluidodinamica incomprimibile", pgg. 99, 101, 314, 318 (Kutta-Joukowsky theorem), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2013.


Ing. Marco Todeschini: "Psicobiofisica - Scienza unitaria del creato", pg. 50 e segg., Edito dal Centro Internazionale di Psicobiofisica, Bergamo 1977, reperibile presso il sito


Ing. Marco Todeschini: "La Teoria delle Apparenze - Spazio-Dinamica e Psico-Bio-Fisica"  ( "The Theory of Appearances": English version donated by Ing. Todeschini to the M.I.T.-U.S.A. and to the daughter of Albert Einstein in the 50s ), pg. 145 e segg., Edito dal Centro Internazionale di Psicobiofisica, Bergamo 1949 - 1984, reperibile presso il sito .


Ing. Marco Todeschini: "Esperimenti decisivi per la fisica moderna" , sempre dell'Ing. Marco Todeschini, al so in English and in French, and "Revisioni sperimentali e teoretiche della fisica moderna".



Marco Todeschini: "Einstein o Todeschini? - Qual'è la chiave dell'Universo?", Edito dal Centro Internazionale di Psicobiofisica, Bergamo 1957. Molto riduttivamente la domanda è: spazio-"vuoto" einsteiniano (il vuoto assoluto, uno "sfondo" in cui sussite o meno la materia) o spazio-"pieno" todeschiniano (spazio fluido-dinamico ponderale incompressibile)?


Emmanuele Borgognone, "La realtà fisica dei fenomeni elettrici, magnetici, luminosi", a cura dell'Accademia Teatina delle Scienze, Roma, 1967, reperibile informatizzato presso il sito, rigorosa trattazione scientifico-matematica esemplare di una delle tante possibili ramificazioni e sviluppi della generosissima Teoria delle Apparenze. Si riporta a fondo pagina un prezioso errata-corrige allegato alla edizione del 1967.


Roberto A. Monti: "Il grande Bluff di Albert Einstein", Edizioni Moderna, Ravenna 2011; citazione tratta dalla copertina di questo stesso testo di sole 46 pagine, immensamente più utili di tanti altri diversi tomi attualmente in circolazione ripieni di ridondanti chiacchere: il fisico e ricercatore Roberto Monti "spiega in modo semplice quali sono i due errori fondamentali che tolgono qualsiasi validità alla Teoria della Relatività di Einstein. 1) L'esperimento di  Michelson-Morley non ha mai dato risultato nullo. 2) I tempi di andata e ritorno di un segnale ottico non sono uguali per definizione. La loro differnza è dimostrata dall'esistenza dei Giroscopi Ottici." (Notare però che il Monti postula un etere "statico"; Todeschini al contrario ne dimostra lo stato permanente dinamico: lo spazio fluido ponderale incompressibile del Todeschini è sempre in condizioni di movimento, con effetti sovrapposti di moto traslatorio, rotatorio e oscillatorio.


Biography of Marco Todeschini (1899-1988), Circolo di PsicoBioFisica Amici di Marco Todeschini.









"The Theory of Appearances", Part 1 / 2, "Space-Dynamics" (Physics),

by the Engineer Marco Todeschini:



1) If we assume a dynamic ether instead of a static ether, then the interpretation of the Michelson–Morley experiment changes: the etheric flow exists and it is dynamic (it has movements of translation, rotation, oscillation).


2) The three-dimensional space is nothing else a very thin substance in perpetual movement: the incompressible weight fluid dynamic space (in Italian: "lo spazio fluidodinamico ponderale incompressibile") postulated by Marco Todeschini.

So the fluid dynamic space is: not compressible (incompressible); with elemental components infinitely small, but with a spatial extension (weight) different from zero, so different from the nothing; it's a fluid; it's always dynamic, always on the move; it coincides with the space and it has infinite extension in three dimensions.


3) The time dimension is independent of fluid dynamic space dimension.  The elementary minimal unit of time is the "tempuscolo" (the infinitesimal unit time), infinitely small, but different from zero. The time dimension is unidirectional, from infinite past to infinite future.

Why the time dimension is independent from the physical (and biological) world dimension? Because if the whole world is still, there is no change, and there is no time. Banally, the time dimension is a consequence of the fluid dynamic space changes, that is of fluid dynamic space movements.


4) The entire physical universe has a self-resembling dynamic structure.



Image from "The Theory of Appearances" by Engineer Marco Todeschini,

Centro Internazionale di Psicobiofisica, 1949, Bergamo, Italy.


5) The Physical World is structured from infinite dynamic spherical systems that rotate around a local own axis.  Each of the local rotating systems also oscillates and translates.  Marco Todeschini defined these systems as "spherical center rotary field" or "Todeschini rotating field"  ("campo rotante centro-mosso").


6) The single Center-moved rotating field" has an "onion" dynamic structure:

spherical crowns quarries that run with different rotational speed, one after the other, according to the laws of Fluid dynamics.


"Center-moved rotating field" or "Center-moved field Todeschini"

("Campo rotante centro-mosso" o "Campo centro-mosso Todeschini"),

from "The Theory of Appearances" by Marco Todeschini, 1949, Bergamo, Italy.


""Idroplanetario Todeschini",

from "The Theory of Appearances", by Engineer Marco Todeschini,

1949, Bergamo, Italy.



7) The Magnus effect is the reason of attraction or repulsion between different Center-moved rotating fields.  Nothing of magic, nothing of mysterious: this is the gravity phenomenon. The gravity force is not love, it's not God or matter that loves you!

Then the Magnus effect explains all phenomena on all scales, from the infinitely small to the infinitely big:  to the scale of molecules and macromolecules, to the scale of our senses, to the chemical scale, , to the atomic scale, to the subatomic scale, etc. The same same thing for the scale of galaxies, local clusters of galaxies, etc.


8Etc., etc., et ceteram: in this very ultra short introduction we do not speak of many details ... so if you want more details, see all the works of Engineer Marco Todeschini.



Images from "The Theory of Appearances",  by Engineer Marco Todeschini,

Edited by Centro Internazionale di Psicobiofisica, 1949, Bergamo, Italy.




Images of "Universe Spiral" or "Todeschini Spiral",

taken from the work "The Theory of Appearances", 

by EngineerMarco Todeschini,

Edited by Centro Internazionale di Psicobiofisica, 1949, Bergamo, Italy.




9) The "tragic" consequences of fluid dynamic ether discovery for World People:

- Because the fluid dynamic space is a fluid, the Bernoulli’s principle is the fundamental equation of the universe:  from this equation we can derive all the other equations of Classical Physics.

- Classical Physics and all its individual disciplines are sufficient to explain every phenomenon: chemistry, electrodynamics, optics, etc. In this way, following the Theory of Appearances, all classical specialist disciplines they can be unified.

- With the Theory of Appearances Physics is minimally reformed, it's not revolutionized.

- The electromagnetic field and the gravitational field are unified.

- Galilean relativity is sufficient for all physical phenomena. Einstein's relativity is useless and full of crazy paradoxes.

- The T.o.A. (Theory of Appearances) by Todeschini explains the quantum leaps and precisely determines the orbits of any system at any time: solar systems, planetary systems, molecular systems, atomic systems, subatomic systems. It determines exactly any oscillatory motion of the "Terrestrial Gyroscope" (exact determination of Milankovitch cycles). It also explains why the Periodic table of elements, it reforms the Periodic table of elements, but does not revolutionize it.

- The Theory of Relativity and Quantum Electro Dynamics can be forgotten.

- Chaos exists only in the mind of idiots.

- The physical law becomes equal to all physical scales: subatomic, atomic, biological, planetary, galaxies, etc. Exotic names disappear ... and the Physical Law becomes Equal for All. ... Spells and scientific illusionism also disappear.

Etc., etc., et ceteram: in this very ultra short introduction we do not speak of many details ... so if you want more details, see all the works of Engineer Marco Todeschini.

- The electric production companies and the car factories can finance all research for low-cost electricity production and energy management.

The precious oil and gas resources can thus be used only for: plastics, medicines, chemical fertilizers, building and furnishing products, etc.

- Because the universe is infinite, and most likely full of planets similar to the Earth, but uninhabited, then ... the extraterrestrials will never invade the Earth!!!

- Because the universe is infinite, the billions of terrestrials can disperse themselves in the universe: it's not a problem!!!


10) In the physical universe there are only collisions and conservation of momentum.


11) What is the matter? A matter atom is a spherical portion of dynamic ether (fluid dynamic space) in rapid revolution around its axis  (the "famous "Center-moved rotating field"), at a rotational speed close to or higher than that of light.

The famous formula E = mc2 tells us nothing more than this: the rotational momentum, or its kinetic energy, of the nucleus of an atom is ... enormous !!!

To say that energy is matter, does not mean anything at all.

Have you ever tried to put a finger in a jet of water at high pressure? like that of firemen? it's the same thing, imagine becoming tiny and imagine to stop a little spinning top that rotates at the speed of light. Have you ever tried to stop a circular saw? even with iron gloves? Have you ever tried to put a finger in the circle of a wheel that turns quickly?

Here's the concept: any fluid flow that moves very fast ... it will seem solid.

Atoms, molecules, and macromolecules, etc., are billions of billions. Why when I touch a wall, I can not penetrate it with my hand? For the reason that has just been said. The aggregates of macromolecules, which make up the wall and its surface, revolve around its axis in systems, and at very high speeds, with a certain spin (direction of rotation). If instead I put a hand in the water, the water is deformed and I put my hand in the water. Because? Because the molecules of water do not attract themselves intensely enough to resist their mutual distancing. In other words, water molecules do not rotate rapidly enough around their axis to overcome, overcome, any disturbance action of their rotational dynamic state of mutual attraction. In macroscopic terms, it is said that water does not resist shear stresses. But this last is only an empirical observation of how, right yes, but empirical, experimental, it is not yet an explanation of why the phenomenon.


12) What is energy? What is a force? What is acceleration?

These are all chimeras, pure mathematical concepts, useful in a formula or to solve an equation. Acceleration, energy, force, are things that can not be found in nature, pure mathematical, mental, abstract concepts, useful for our human purposes. In nature there are only instantaneous speed, momentum, and conservation of momentum: collisions, only collisions between matter, and in the final analysis, only rotations, translations, and oscillations of ether, the fluid dynamic space.


13) What is electricity? What is magnetism? What is the sound? What is gravity? One more time, in the final analysis, they are only rotations, translations, and oscillations of ether, the fluid dynamic space.


14) The movements of the dynamic ether, bumping the receptor organs of our senses, through the electrical signals that run through the bundles of nerves of the human body, finally reach the biological electronic control unit of the human brain, then these signals are rapidly elaborated and synthesized in a single signal that is transmitted from the brain to the Soul, or Psyche, or Intellect, or Mind, or Spirit (... call it how you want!), producing sensations in it.

The Soul is immaterial and exists only in the unidimensional Spiritual World.  The Spiritual World is as real as the biophysical world, but it has no extension.

René Descartes: "cogito ergo sum", I think therefore I exist.

Bruce Lee: "I exist therefore I think ".

Augustine of Hippo: "if the terms of an affirmation can not be reversed, then it is false", so in this case, in the first analysis, it is not falsified.

Marco Todeschini: "I think and I feel sensations, so I exist".

According to René Descartes and Marco Todeschini this is the objective proof of the existence of the soul, together with the following proof:  if the soul is only our brain, which is matter, how does matter have its own will?

Marco Todeschini has made hundreds of discoveries, but he has not discovered which is the channel through which the brain communicates with the soul. But Marco Todeschini has determined and quantified exactly the "how", with its 10 psychobiophysical equivalences.


15) At this point we are at a crossroads, without a Descartes, a Todeschini, or a Newton, or an Einstein, or who you think helps us, and we have to choose between two ways to go:


15-A) The soul, mind, intellect, psyche, etc., is nothing else a software, a biological algorithm that runs in the biologic cerebral circuits, being the brain and the nervous system centering it's nothing else than a biological computer hardware.  And the self-awareness is nothing but the same biological software.
The soul, as a software, an algorithm, however complex, it is without dimensions. This explains why the soul is ... a kind of phantom, that is, immaterial.
However we do not explain the free will, at least when we are really allowed to choose. And neither do we explain the will, nor even the moral, nor even what is good and what is bad.

And then, in this hypothesis, it seems to us that this biological software must do too many things! And also this biological hardware, the central nervous system!


15-B) Second hypothesis, that of Marco Todeschini. The soul exists in the spiritual world.
All our thoughts, our memories, our feelings, our feelings, exist only within the soul, and it exists only in the Spiritual World.

So, what unites, what binds our physical and biological body to our soul? What connects the physical to the spiritual world? The signal that goes from the brain to the soul, and vice versa, through what travels? That signal can not be transmitted through the material universe, not even through dynamic ether, because otherwise it would remain confined to it.
We are faced with two infinite sets: the infinite material world and the infinite spiritual world, populated by an infinity of souls, and for those who believe in God, inhabited by the Absolute of the Spiritual World, that is God, Lord Shiva, Allah, Buddha, the nameless of Taoist philosophers, etc.
This hypothesis, that of the soul existing in the spiritual world, explains many things: free will, morals, eternal ideas, the good and the evil, but leaves us the bitter in the mouth.

In this way, thinking, feeling and remembering is very easy, and we save a lot of headaches and neck pains! ... Maybe not everyone for those who suffer, but many! (I'm joking, of course.)
Then we could say that it is God who allows us to communicate between our brain and our soul. But it is legitimate to reduce God to a deus ex machina. It is not an explanation. We can not put God at stake every time we understand something.
So the communication channel of the brain and the soul is perhaps the infinite?
Even so, this does not seem an explanation.
But let's think about it: how do they communicate two distinct dimensions?
The principle of action and mutual reaction between the material world and the spiritual world, through what passes?

What is the communication channel between two different entities?


16) In conclusion, experimentally and mathematically, is it worth checking whether the "Theory of Appearances" by Engineer Marco Todeschini has a correspondence with physical, biological, and spiritual reality?

In my opinion, yes.








"Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius." , from the Emerald Tablet by Hermes Trismegistus: id est, the physical law is equal to all, and at all physical scales. 

Into the physical world is only the uniphenomenic principle discovered by Marco Todeschini:  the physical reality has no color, no taste, no smell, no light, no shadows, no heat, ... collisions, only collisions,  which,  breaking on the receptor organs of our senses, generate signals that are transmitted through our nerves to our central system, and from here, elaborated, transmitted to our psyche. It's our psyche that gives meaning to those signals. 

But physical reality has no color, has no taste, has nothing of what we attribute to it.

It is similar to the film "The Matrix" by Andy and Larry Wachowski, 1999. And following "The Theory of Appearances" (1959) of Engineer Marco Todeschini, Matrix is nothing but your Soul = Psyche = Mind = Intellect = Spirit.







T  H  E     M  A  R  I  N  D  U  C  T



D  E  E  P     B  L  U  E


L  O  S     A  N  G  E  L  E  S








D    U    N    E    S



T H E   P E N S I L E   P O O L S










F O R   H U M A N   B E I N G S

N O T   F O R   C L O N E S




S T A I R S   I N   T H E   W A T E R



T H E   N A U T I L U S



T H E   B L U E   S H E L L

















T H E   Z E B R A S


















Even the longest journey begins with a first step! Systemic Habitats is on line since the 18th of May 2012. This website was created to publish online my ebook "Towards a different habitat" on the contemporary architecture and urbanism. Later many other contents were added. For their direct or indirect contribution to its realisation strarting from 2012, we would like to thank: Roberto Vacca, Marco Pizzuti, Fiorenzo and Raffaella Zampieri, Antonella Todeschini, All the Amici di Marco Todeschini, Ecaterina Bagrin, Stefania Ciocchetti, Marcello Leonardi, Joseph Davidovits, Frédéric Davidovits, Rossella Sinisi, Pasquale Cascella, Carlo Cesana, Filippo Schiavetti Arcangeli, Laura Pane, Antonio Montemiglio, Patrizia Piras, Bruno Nicola Rapisarda, Ruberto Ruberti, Marco Cicconcelli, Ezio Prato, Sveva Labriola, Rosario Francalanza, Giacinto Sabellotti, All the Amici di Gigi, Ruth and Ricky Meghiddo, Natalie Edwards, Rafael Schmitd, Nicola Romano, Sergio Bianchi, Cesare Rocchi, Henri Bertand, Philippe Salgarolo, Paolo Piva detto il Pivapao, Norbert Trenkle, Gaetano Giuseppe Magro, Carlo Blangiforti, Mario Ludovico, Riccardo Viola, Giulio Peruzzi, Ahmed Elgazzar, and last but not least Warren Teitz.  M.L.
















 L ' I N G E G N E R

M A R C O   T O D E S C H I N I

c .   1 9 5 6 .




 Links to external cultural websites :

C I T Y   O F   K N O W L E D G E

 v i s i o n s   o f   l i f e


T H E  L A R G E   B A T H S

 a   s i g n   o f   l i f e   o n   t h e   e a r t h


f o r   h u m a n   b e i n g s






A   N E W   B O O K :


627 pages in king size, English text,

Lulu Press, Inc. Publisher, NC, U.S.A., 2024:


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A   S E C O N D   N E W   B O O K :


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