privacy and cookies policy
This site uses only the DIY_SB first-party cookie to make the user session anonymous, i.e. to respect the privacy of the visitor on same site; and this cookie expires at the end of the session. It does not process your personal data of any kind. It does not transmit them on to third parties. It does not use cookies for profiling and marketing purposes. The third party cookies are due to the external sites only when you visit the same external sites, external video, etc. This site also works well with all cookies disabled, i.e. in private browsing. When you contact Michele Leonardi by e-mail, the minimal data of your e-mail will be used for the purposes of contact and deleted at the end of the communication. For data cancellation request use the contact page.
Questo sito utilizza solo il cookie ("biscotto informatico") di prima parte DIY_SB per rendere anonima la sessione dell'utente, rispettando così la privacy del visitatore sul sito stesso, con scadenza del cookie al termine della sessione. Non tratta i tuoi dati personali di alcun tipo. Non li cede a terzi. Non utilizza cookie per finalità di profilazione e marketing. I cookie di terze parti sono dovuti ai siti esterni solo quando si visitano gli stessi siti esterni, video esterni, ecc. Questo sito funziona bene anche disabilitando tutti i cookie, cioè nella navigazione in incognito. Quando contatti Michele Leonardi via e-mail, i dati minimi della tua e-mail saranno utilizzati ai fini del contatto e cancellati al termine della comunicazione. Per richieste di cancellazione dati utilizzare la pagina di contatto. In questa sede sono bandite parole triviali e lascive come “impattare”, “bomba d’acqua”, “approcciare” et similia.
Ce site n'utilise que le cookie ("biscuit informatique") fonctionnel propriétaire DIY_SB pour rendre la session du visitateur anonyme, en respectant ainsi la vie privée du même utilisateur sur ce site, en expirant le même cookie à la fin de la session. Ce site ne traite d'aucune sorte vos données personnelles. Il ne les transmet pas à des sujets tiers. Il n'utilise pas des cookies à des fins de profilage et de marketing. Les cookies tiers sont dus aux sites externes uniquement lorsque vous visitez les mêmes sites externes, vidéos externes, etc. Ce site ça marche bien même en désactivant tous les cookies, c'est-à-dire en navigation anonyme. Lorsque vous contactez Michele Leonardi par e-mail, les données minimales de votre e-mail seront utilisées aux fins du contact et supprimées à la fin de la communication. Pour les demandes d'annulation de données, utilisez la page de contact.
strange world
Systemic Habitats is a personal non-profit website with cultural purposes only. No doctrine, no any pearl of wisdom, no any final truth is propagated here. This site does not represent a mass media as it is not updated periodically, nor is it to be considered as an information medium or an editorial product, nor as a kind of discussion forum. Although this is a priori obvious, the cultural contents mentioned or referred here, in the form of videos or books, do not automatically reflect in whole or in part the opinions of the undersigned editor. Criticizing certain realities of contemporary culture and civilization does not mean demonizing everything and everyone, nor does it mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We are not interested in extremism and prejudice. All texts should be read not "with a magnifying glass" but with one's own eyes. Official language of American English. But secondarily also in Italian, French and Spanish.
Any reference to geopolitical happenings is purely coincidental.
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Webmaster - Michele Leonardi.
Website text and graphic by Michele Leonardi ©
except basic b/w layout by the Website Provider, and where specified.